Feature Summary
The system takes care of all phases of Client Case lifetime. All kinds of Forms / Requests / Actions / Dispute Resolution / Settlement / Accounting, using the standard OCF-forms contents and procedures.
Manage Claim Cases Full Life Cycle

The system Has a comprehensive agreement terms that can fit your Firm agreement terms.
Forms and Requests
The system Handles All OCF standard forms during the life cycle of the client case. The forms considered are:
- (OCF-1) Declaration of Benefits
After entering the case details, the system can print the full OCF-1 document. The entered data are the main source of the case information for the rest of the case life cycle.
- (OCF-2) Employer's Confirmation Form
The system can print the document copy for each of the employers stated in OCF-1. In addition, it allows the user to enter the returned employement data
- (OCF-3) Disability Certificate
The system allows the user to create disability certificates, and print them to send to the Insurance companies. The reply will be handled withing OCF-9 forms
- (OCF-4) Death and Funeral Benefits
The system allows the user to create and print Death and Funeral Benefits forms to send to the Insurance companies.
- OCF-5 Permission to Disclose Health Information
The system allows the user to create and print any number of Permission to Disclose Health Information forms to deliver to the health provider facilities
- OCF-6 Expenses Claim Form
The system allows entering the expense items, and print the document to send to the insurqance compeny. These items are managed and followed up when they are reported back in OCF-9 form.
- OCF-9 Explanation of Benefits Payable by Insurance Company
This is a key document, that the system manages. The user can enter the form content, and the system will automatically manage the unpaid items as dispute items, and allows creating Accounts payable entries to the health facilities, and takes care of all the items in the dispute resolution activities (Mediation / Arbitration / Settlements).
- OCF-10 Benefit Election Form
The system allows entering this form only one time per case, print it to send to insurance company.
- OCF-12 Activities of Normal Life
The system allows entering in details, and printing any number of Activities of Normal Life form per case, and in the case full report, the system can display the progress of normal life activities.
- OCF-13 Declaration of Post-Accident Income and Benefits
The system allows entering in details, and printing Declaration of Post-Accident Income and Benefits to to send to insurance companies.
- OCF-18 Treatment and Assessment Plan
The system allows entering Treatment and Assessment Plan, and print the document to send to the insurqance compeny. These items are managed and followed up when they are reported back in OCF-9 form.
- OCF-19 Application for Determination of Catastrophic Impairment
The system allows entering Application for Determination of Catastrophic Impairment, and print the document to send to the insurqance compeny. These items are managed and followed up when they are reported back in OCF-9 form.
- OCF-22 Application for Approval of an Assessment or Examination
The system allows entering Application for Approval of an Assessment or Examination, and print the document to send to the insurqance compeny. These items are managed and followed up when they are reported back in OCF-9 form.
The significant actions in the life cycle of the client case are handled in the system. Examples are Open Case / Close Case / Cancel Case / Sell Case / Change the adjuster ... Etc.
Dispute Resolution
The system handles Mediation / Arbitration / Settlement including their related accounting actions. This is a very rich area in the application, which will save quite long time for the firm:
- Mediation
The system allows any number of mediations to take place in the client case life cycle. The dispute items are automatically created, and the user can add/remove any others. In addition, The system prints comprehensive report including all what is needed of information for the lawyer to take to the mediation meeting.)
The resolutions can lead to accounting entries which are automatically created by the system.
- Arbitration
The system allows any number of Arbitrations to take place in the client case life cycle. The dispute items are automatically created, and the user can add/remove any others. In addition, The system prints comprehensive report including all what is needed of information for the lawyer to take to the Arbitration meeting.)
The resolutions can lead to accounting entries which are automatically created by the system.
All what the user is required to enter is the Gross amount. The system will perform the rest, and will consider the terms of agreement, loans, interest, medical cost, office fees, minimum guarantees...etc. The details of each calculated figure is available if requested. All accounting entries and statements of account are automatically created.